Whether by his own hand or by those of kindly cartoonists, The Ancient Shark Of Despair has enjoyed a short career appearing in various comics that chronicle episodes that may or may not have occured in his life.
Mini Comic 1 | Mini Comic 2 | Mini Comic 3 | Mini Comic 4 | Mini Comic 5 | Mini Comic 6 | Webcomics Wave 1 | Webcomics Wave 2 | Webcomics Wave 3 | What Does The Inside Of A Tear Look Like? | Fanart
The Ancient Shark Of Despair's main page
Written and drawn by Sebastian Borckenhagen
At several points throughout his blog, The Ancient Shark Of Despair started up, then abandoned, a webcomic. Here are all of its incarnations laid out alongside each other to invite comparison. Being the work of a shark from outer space, they are true outsider art, and as such they give a tantalising glimpse into a mind unfettered by usual artistic conventions and fashions.
Mini Comic 1 | Mini Comic 2 | Mini Comic 3 | Mini Comic 4 | Mini Comic 5 | Mini Comic 6 | Webcomics Wave 1 | Webcomics Wave 2 | Webcomics Wave 3 | What Does The Inside Of A Tear Look Like? | Fanart