Whether by his own hand or by those of kindly cartoonists, The Ancient Shark Of Despair has enjoyed a short career appearing in various comics that chronicle episodes that may or may not have occured in his life.
Mini Comic 1 | Mini Comic 2 | Mini Comic 3 | Mini Comic 4 | Mini Comic 5 | Mini Comic 6 | Webcomics Wave 1 | Webcomics Wave 2 | Webcomics Wave 3 | What Does The Inside Of A Tear Look Like? | Fanart
The Ancient Shark Of Despair's main page
Written and drawn by Sebastian Borckenhagen
At the height of his powers, our favourite shark transcribed the length and breadth of his emotional topography into twenty one images.
Mini Comic 1 | Mini Comic 2 | Mini Comic 3 | Mini Comic 4 | Mini Comic 5 | Mini Comic 6 | Webcomics Wave 1 | Webcomics Wave 2 | Webcomics Wave 3 | What Does The Inside Of A Tear Look Like? | Fanart